What is the plural of Job?

See the most latest and the ultimate list of What is the plural of job.

What is the plural of Job

1 activities
2 pursuits
3 occupations
4 undertakings
5 acts
6 campaigns
7 engagements
8 enterprises
9 exercises
10 operations
11 projects
12 schemes
13 ventures
14 actions
15 businesses
16 endeavorsUS
17 processes
18 tasks
19 deeds
20 exploits
21 laboursUK
22 works
23 affairs
24 antics
25 behaviourUK
26 behaviorUS
27 doings
28 laborsUS
29 manoeuvresUK
30 movements
31 things
32 endeavoursUK
33 maneuversUS
34 assignment
35 work
36 functions
37 obligations
38 errands
39 briefs
40 burdens
41 chores
42 commissions
43 concern
44 contributions
45 mission
46 roles
47 responsibility
48 charge
49 business
50 duty

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