TOP 6 Tech Jobs that will Grow

If you are looking for 6 Tech Jobs That Will Grow then this list can be gold mine for you!!

6 Fastest growing tech careers

JobsGrowth Percentage %
Environmental Scientist and Hydrologist25%
Environmental Engineer25%
Computer Systems Analyst29%
Computer Software Engineer36%
Computer Scientist and Database Administrator37%
Biomedical Engineer30.60%

Environmental Scientist and Hydrologist

Today, more and more environmental and hydrologic scientists are finding themselves finding work in industries like mining, petroleum and gas, and agriculture. This trend is driven by new technologies that allow for more precise drilling, production, and/or collection of resources.

Environmental Engineer

On average, environmental engineers earn about $70,000 per year. Despite that high salary, the job is stressful and labor-intensive. It involves solving problems like wastewater treatment, natural resource conservation, and contaminated site remediation.

If you apply for an environmental engineering job, you need to be computer literate, have strong math skills, and possess analytical abilities. You should also be able to work well in a team and be able to think on your feet.

Computer Systems Analyst

Computer Systems Analyst (CS Analyst) is a highly in-demand technology job where coding and data analysis work closely together to solve real world problems. A CS Analyst can spend his/her day in front of a computer screen, analyzing data, and writing code to make the data meet their requirements.

In the US, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that computer systems analyst jobs will grow faster than average through 2024, at a rate of 16% compared to the average for all occupations. This is because the profession is highly adaptable and demand will remain strong as companies look to fill both new and existing positions.

TOP 6 Tech Jobs That Will Grow

As a data analyst, you will be directly involved in large-scale data analysis and modeling. You will design and develop data management and processing systems and interfacing with various IT systems. The jobs and responsibilities may vary depending on the organization and project.