See the latest and updated list of 10 Part Time Jobs That Pay $50. You can earn more than 50 dollars by doing the following jobs.
Best Part Time Jobs That Pay 50 An Hour
If you are looking for high paying part time jobs then these jobs are only for you!
- Operations directors
- Software engineers
- Clinical pharmacists
- Controllers
- Curriculum writers
- Dentists
- Financial consultants
- Government contracts attorney
- Jazz instructors
- Mobile developer
- Operations directors.
Mobile developer
As mobile development is evolving so quickly, being a mobile developer is becoming one of the most in-demand job titles out there.
The job market for mobile developers is expected to grow at a rate of 25.6% in the next four years. It also pays well, with average salaries in the US of $89,000 in 2018.
Clinical pharmacists
Clinical pharmacists (also known as pharmacy technicians) are highly trained professionals who work in hospitals, clinics, and other health care facilities, and have the expertise to administer medication, assess a patients’ health, and determine the best course of action.
Though they do not provide direct patient care, they provide a valuable role in a healthcare organization and have a tremendous impact on the quality of healthcare in their community.